Friday, July 26, 2024
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Contact Us


The Blogging Painters is a collaborative effort of business owners, painters, vendors, social media experts, manufacturers and others with a vested interest in sharing knowledge and best practices pertaining to the Painting Industry.  Read more about the creation of the blog on the “About Us” page.

Our goal is to present the latest and best practices in an easy to use format, many articles will be great reference tools as you encounter situations on the job sites or in your own business. We’d like you to be a part of that if you have expertise, or even an opinion in a related area. If you are interested in participating, or just need to contact us, please complete the fields below. I look forward to hearing from you!

Chris Haught



Here are a few more places you can find me as well!

Blogging Painters on Facebook

Blogging Painter on Twitter

Paint Talk



7 thoughts on “Contact Us

  1. Hi,

    My name is Umesh, and I am a content writer for an SEO Blog and an aspiring blogger.

    I am looking for an opportunity to get my content published in your blog. I can write high-quality articles that I believe would be an excellent addition to your blog.

    I’d like to know if you publish a quality guest post for free or charge some publication fee to compensate for your time and effort.

    If you are interested, I would be more than happy to discuss further details.

    Thank you for your time,

    Umesh Joshi,

    SEO Content Writer & Founder

    Traffic Kite

  2. Hey! I found your site from your awesome Google reviews. Have you thought about getting more customers from Google?

    You guys are set up very nicely I think with a couple of changes you could dominate your local area.

    I put together a quick audit on a couple of things you could change to start bringing in more customers from Google. If you’re interested I can send it over 🙂

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