Friday, July 26, 2024
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The Blogging Painters Team

Contributors to represent a diverse cross-section of some of the best minds in the paint industry, from all angles…

– paint contractors from different markets with unique service offerings
– specialty finish artisans
– manufacturer representatives, from both the engineering and marketing sectors
– consultants of all types

The common thread found in this growing group is that all participants have the same goal in mind: to improve the paint trade and the industry as a whole, by improving our own businesses. And, let’s face it, the online identities of our businesses have never been more important than they are today. That is why we raise the bar.

The archived content generated by this group of writers comes with a raw candor not found in other venues, because this platform is created and curated by the paint contractors themselves. If you are interested in what is on the mind’s of paint contractors, you have come to the right place. If you are interested in contributing to the talent pool, we would love to hear what’s on your mind.

Meanwhile, we hope you enjoy our articles. And we hope you will leave comments on any articles that inspired you in some way.



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