Monday, October 21, 2024
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Join the Blogging Painters


The Blogging Painters is a collaborative effort to share industry knowledge, product reviews, project examples and customer resources. These articles can be used to improve your own company practices, learn of new trends and products, as well as educate your customers.

Many of our bloggers, while experienced contractors, are new to the blogosphere. This can be a place to “get your feet wet” as far as the technical side of using a WordPress Blog. If you are not ready to tackle the job of setting up your own blog and maintaining it, this could be a place for you to share your knowledge in an easy to use way.

There are several ways to participate in the Blogging Painters.


Membership in Blogging Painters is fairly simple, we ask that you subscribe  and engage in the Social Media sites of other members and industry sites, sharing new information, commenting and collaborating. Members that participate will be listed on our authors page. They may also submit drafts for publication under the Guest Category.

Guest Authors

After being active members, many decide they would like to contribute here, we welcome that. We will set up an account that allows you to log in and be published under your own name as author with a short bio. These posts will be held in draft mode for review and approval. We ask that you post at least once a month to remain active. Check our guest authors here. More guidelines here.


The Associates are members of the Industry that may or may not be directly related to painting, but are considered to be experts in the fields of business, marketing and social media. We continue to seek out professionals that can bring their insight to the Blogging Painters.

Blogging Painters Team

These are the core members of the blog. These members are able to post and publish their articles and may have access to site stats. They are available to members to help with any situation and are active in the continued improvement of Blogging Painters.


We encourage you to add a link to the Blogging Painters to your page. This could be in the blogroll on your blog, a page on your site, or a section on your site saying something like, “Check out my Guest Blog”.

Social Media 

Social media is a great way to help share the blog and information with each other. We are also on Facebook and Twitter. Feel free to connect with us.

Review a Product

We often get requests from manufacturers for  feedback on their products, and we love to help inventors and entrepreneurs expose our readers to their prototypes. If you would like to join the BP Product Review team, please fill out this form. When we get products, we will ask you to provide feedback here. Be sure to subscribe to BP as well to get new reviews delivered to your inbox.

Article Guidelines 

In the spirit of increasing the online reputation of the industry, we do have some basic requirements. We do reserve the right to do minor editing to correct spelling and grammar, we will never change the content. If you are posting a product review, please read this article on how to write a product review. Here is a similar site  with some great ideas on writing articles.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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