Another great post by BNI Founder Ivan Misner on maximizing your Linkedin profile. Read the whole article, but I wanted to highlight #5
5. Building and Enhancing Credibility
LinkedIn may well become the first place everyone will look to determine the business profile of an individual. LinkedIn allows a professional to showcase a collection of printed works or publications, recommendations from other LinkedIn users, company affiliations, and work history. When I want to know more about someone I’ve just met, I can learn quite a bit of information about them by reading their LinkedIn profile. I can see where they’ve worked, or what they’ve done in the business world, and I can see what others think of them by reading recommendations that others have written about them.
This is huge to me, as more and more people jump on the Social Media bandwagon, it becomes increasingly more difficult to differentiate yourself. Linkedin is a great way to build an online resume and build credibility. Joining the local groups puts you in the circle of professionals that may be a networking source. So whether you need to go create an account or dust off your old one, follow the tips and get Linkedin! If you are unsure or have more questions, read this.
Add your Linkedin profile to the comment section if you would like to connect!
I”d love to connect!
Connected. 🙂
I admit, I have put linkedin on the back burner of social media for a while now.