Recently the American Painting Contractor magazine conducted an interview with the owner of Custom Coatings Inc., located in Hickory, NC. Joe Brindle started CCI twenty-one years ago and has been running it successfully ever since. He and his father took the business from a typical new construction type painting company to a focused painting “think tank” machine. I happen to be lucky enough to work for this accomplished man.

Previous to working for CCI I had always been employed by large companies, several thousand strong. Going from a large entity to a small family owned business was a bit of a shock at first! I was hesitant and found it difficult to be myself. (I am pretty sure Joe misses those quiet days… I tend to be loud and enthusiastic at times!) Whenever you are taken out of your comfort zone there is an adjustment period where your confidence level is shaken. I found I was cautious about my abilities and nervous because I had never been around the painting industry. Joe has put me through a crash course in all things coating related and I am he sure has forgotten more than I will ever learn. The man is a savant regarding anything to do with this business. He has often mentioned when he first started in the industry, all he would do in his spare time was read about coating products, techniques, applications, trade magazines, etc…nothing has changed. To this day I find him studying in his office several times a week on ways to improve. Improve what you might ask? Anything from the products we use, our techniques, efficiencies, office protocol, personal insight, sales and everything in between. Joe is a student of the business and his track record has proven continuing education equals success.
Over the last couple weeks we have looked at projects including hotel water proofing, metal roof coatings, industrial pipe coating, ceiling dryfall, shopping centers, floor coatings, window cleaning, dust collection projects, furniture painting, and several homes! The best part about our business is it is so diverse. Once you grasp the entire coating concept and understand how to break something complex down into simple components it becomes easy. Even though it may be a simple concept, it is infinitely difficult for most painting contractors to comprehend. Joe has mastered this knowledge and built his entire company around it. The culture Joe has successfully infused in this company is hard to explain, but it works extremely well!
I feel fortunate for the opportunity I have been given here at CCI and feel privileged every day to walk into my office. How many people can say they love their jobs and look forward to going to work in the morning? It is my ongoing goal to help this company continue to grow and give back at least half of what I have received as part of this team. Thank you Joe Brindle for creating this amazing organization and allowing me to spend time here with you!
If you only take one thing away from this article, let it be this: “CCI knows a LOT about the coating industry and if it will hold still long enough, we can paint it!”