Tuesday, February 18, 2025
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The Long and Bumpy Road

I know you guys and gals bust butt as much as possible. I hope that you take advantage of this 4th of July weekend and take a breather. Enjoy some time with family and friends, have a few drinks and burn some meat on the grill. Relax, the job will be there next week and you and your employees can return rejuvenated and refreshed.

Happy 4th of July!

Dale at Family Professional Painters

Great post by Dale, thanks for the reminder! Rob and I are doing just that, we left Saturday morning for the 15 hour drive to Northern Idaho to see his Dad and family. Rob’s Dad has always been my “Pops”, and when he moved from Utah (we were neighbors) a few years ago, I really missed him! Getting up to visit has always been a challenge, and although Rob had been a few times, it had been too long for me. The last two weeks Murphy’s Law played havoc with our work schedule and we thought we would have to cancel, but the crew came through as usual and we were off. I packed my laptop and a stack of work that I planned on completing during the drive.
Well guess what? I just unplugged for the first leg of the trip. Rob and I landed in Idaho Falls in time for a nice dinner at Olive Garden and a leisurely walk alongside the river. Sunday morning we didn’t rush as we usually do and even took time for a few scenic turnouts. I think Rob was even mellowing out, usually we only stop for gas, I learned long ago not to drink too much on a road trip!
I was too busy enjoying the time with Rob and the beautiful scenery to even think about opening my laptop. I did check a few of my favorite sites on my phone when we had service. Over on Painttalk one of the members had asked the others to say something to a new group of painters he was teaching a class to, and there were several thoughtful responses. I also checked my email and found a message from an online friend who was considering some career changes and we exchanged a few emails back and forth.
I was thinking about both these things as we drove through the vast expanses of Montana. As we started the trip, I was concerned about the price of gas, worried about what laid ahead on the bumpy road, would we have car problems or be forced to take a detour? As the miles of farmland changed to rolling hills with homes scattered across them to the rugged hills of Idaho, and I really started seeing the scenery, I contemplated what may lay ahead for us, as well the painters in Fiji and my online friend.
Here is where I’d like to say something really deep and give all the answers, something about the “road less traveled”, but I can’t. While I do like to plan and be prepared by educating myself and researching things, and worrying about what can go wrong, I have to remind myself to just enjoy the bumpy road and see where it goes!
Now I am off to take a walk with my Pops, enjoy your day!

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