Monday, February 17, 2025
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WordPress-Using the Grand FIA Gallery

The Grand FIA Gallery is a versatile way to manage media in your WordPress site.

Install the plugin following the directions here or searching in the plugin panel for Grand Flash as I showed here.

Then follow the instructions in the video to make your first slideshow!

Here is a page I did as a Demo, most of the “skins” require a nominal fee

9 thoughts on “WordPress-Using the Grand FIA Gallery

  1. Glad you liked it Nick! Holler if you run into problems, I’ll be glad to do another video! Make sure you use the WordPress help center and forum, lots of great info there.

  2. There are some that are marked Demo, those you have to pay for. From your dashboard go to FIA, the Skins and find one that does not say demo and activate it. Make sure to hit the “Refresh/Update Skins” after you do that. I should have included that in the vid!

    That looks really good!

    1. Tried sevearl times maybe none of those skins are free? Theres only 2 that dont say demo tried both , buy now tab is still there and yes I hit update refresh..

  3. Hey Chris,
    Where would I be without you?! Huh!!!
    I uploaded the FIA plugin and it is real nice. This is such a nice plugin.
    Thank you.

    Keep Busy!

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