Tuesday, February 18, 2025
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Monster Proof Paint

monster proof paint

I love the Entrepreneurial Spirit!

monster proof paintI first came across Peter and Izzy on Twitter, and was intrigued by the name and checked out their Facebook Page to learn more. Here is a couple who found a solution to their children’s problems and turned it into a viable product. And thanks to Social Media, they are able to share it and promote it themselves!

The librarian in me loved the story book that comes with the kit, which also includes a label to affix to a paint can, “monster powder” to add and instructions for parents. They were kind enough to send me a kit to preview, and you can go to their site, Monster Proof Paint and order one, hopefully we’ll see it in stores soon!

I’ll keep mine in my “bid bag” and next time I am on an estimate to paint a child’s room will find a way to bring it up to the parent’s, hope to be able to use it soon and report back!

Good Luck with your new venture Peter and Izzy!

3 thoughts on “Monster Proof Paint

  1. Instead of monster proofing a room, I found that when you let a child choose there own room color, suddenly their room becomes THEIR castle – no monsters allowed 🙂

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