Thursday, January 2, 2025
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Getting out of the Bucket-Developing a System for Painting Contractors

Most professional painting contractors understand the importance of developing systems for their business. For those who want to get out of the bucket, it is absolutely imperative. Unfortunately, developing systems can be a very imposing task, and many contractors don’t know where to start. However, it doesn’t have to be a daunting task. If they use a system, the process can […]

Maximum Painting

    We all have our “go to” sites, you know the ones, they are usually bookmarked or always open in a tab. The ones that we depend on to keep us up on the the latest trends, tools and topics. Mine are usually Social Media or Business related, but lately I have been checking […]

You’ve got Mail!

There is no doubt the way we communicate has changed over the past decades due to the internet. When was the last time you hand wrote a letter? Email has allowed to respond immediately or fire off a heated rant, not always a good thing!  Thanks to email and Smartphones, we can be in constant […]