Monday, October 21, 2024
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Zero Tolerance Policy…with a ways to go

Riding the wave of the peak season, and scrambling to figure out how to get all the work done is a great time to start thinking about all the things that I need to do when things slow down. The winter list.

All of the marketing tweaks, customer relations enhancements, equipment upgrades, systems rebuilds, employee reviews, networking more (and better), being a better blogger, polishing the social media, adding those photos from last spring to our website, all the stuff I don’t have time to do right now…I AM FOCUSING ON DOING RIGHT NOW!

Doing them right. And doing them now.

As much as possible.

I have burned myself in the past so many times. Being too busy to market during the busy season. Do lt! Thats a sure fire way to slow things down. It is all too easy to get caught up in the mania of the summer and fall seasons, and put things off for that magical time when things will slow down.

Look forward to business slowing down, so I can get things done? Not me. The point is, I don’t want things to slow down, and it doesn’t look like they are going to very much. So I am doing things now that I know I won’t have anymore time to do later than I do now.

Make sense?

Making time, within the work week. It means saying no to some things, reprioritizing others, and delegating still others, but this is what I am going with. Painting a little less is one way to create time for activities that will help to ensure there are things to paint in the future. I have a family, and several employees with families who deserve the predictability of job security. Yup, I’ll get up a half hour earlier in the morning to click a few more things off my list. As long as there is coffee.

So, what are you doing RIGHT NOW, to help make sure that you have even less time to do them later?

3 thoughts on “Zero Tolerance Policy…with a ways to go

  1. Thanks Scott, good words to chew on as always.

    Funny, one of the things I have been bad about is taking pictures of my current projects. I have been going from job to job thinking about my camera that buried in my office for months. Yesterday I got it charged up and it is now sitting in my center console of my truck. So many opportunities I missed to show off our work!

  2. Great post Scott! My favorite time of day is early morning with a cup of coffee and my laptop to gather ideas to mull over during the day!

  3. Thanks guys. With the end of the year quickly coming, its been a blitzkrieg of punching things out. I think I will be within acceptable tolerance, by my own standards, by year end!

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