Friday, July 26, 2024
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And the Winners are……..

The Shootout Winners
The Shootout Winners
The Shootout Winners

It has been several weeks since my “blogging buddy”  Scott Burt of Topcoat Review announced the “Shootout”, a blogging contest for painters.  I followed the contest, entered it myself, and made a few discoveries while perusing the entries. There is a lot of talent out there! That planted the seed for The Blogging Painters. The greatest part of this for me was getting to know the winners, and I hope to hear much more from them here and on their own blogs in the future.

If you are a blogging painter, or would like to become one, contact us!

The winners are ….

Tommy Johnson of JHC Construction

Dale Thomas of Family Professional Painting

Regina Garay of Fauxology

Chris Haught of RC Painting

A special thanks to Scott Burt and the vendors involved for sponsoring the contest.

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