Tuesday, February 18, 2025
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Is Networking on your Roadmap?

plan for 2016

As a bunch of reformed internet forum junkies ourselves, we could not be happier than to have seen in 2015 the online evolution (some say revolution) that came with the emergence of the online social media group phenomenon. Members ourselves of some remarkable – and some private – assemblies of painters, we see painter to painter networking hitting a new and more meaningful level than ever.

Social Media Networking

roadmapLeaders in this category are the Paint, Wallcovering and Pressure Washing Professionals group, founded on Facebook in 2014 by Mike Pope of Northwest Painting. The group currently has over 1300 members and is lightly moderated by some of the industries top names and most respected pros. This group focuses mostly on the day to day business of a painter with a supportive atmosphere of helping each other to meet challenges.

Again, it is a private group, not viewable by the public or indexable by Google. And, in our opinion, that is what makes it good because the old and tired forms of grandstanding and showmanship we used to see on the old paint forums is not a part of the program.


Get Coached

roadmapAdditionally, for those in the social media realm seeking online assistance on the business and marketing end of things, the DYB movement mentioned previously also has a digital venue known as the DYB Cafe on Facebook. This group is led by Steve and April Burnett, with an emphasis on supporting paint contractors who are setting up better business systems. The DYB Cafe is also connected to the popular Burnett hashtag #keepitcaffeinated. This group is strong on support and accountability, which is good because we all need a tap on the shoulder once in awhile to make sure we are productive.

roadmapFor those needing more than a supportive tap on the shoulder, the more robust kick in the pants is said to be delivered by the program of Tom Reber. If you haven’t met Tom or seen him speak, you should make it a point to in 2016. Tom’s program (and website) is called Motorhard which features a podcast series called Strongpreneur Nation, and a sales training program called Contractor Sales Academy.

Tom is a former Marine with a no nonsense approach, but also one of the nicest guys you will meet in our industry.


It takes a Community

roadmapThese are just a few  examples that exemplify the growth of communities where professionals are gathering to help better each other, and in turn better the industry. We encourage you to participate and share your knowledge. If you know of a group that should be added to our Roadmap, leave a comment below.

Worth noting here is the legendary quotation by Jim Rohn:

“You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with.”

These days, that refers to all of your mental real estate and all of the digital places that people can occupy your mind. We encourage you to constantly re-evaluate who and what is cluttering up your social media feeds and pinging your phone notifications. You may find there is a bunch of chatter that is blocking you from the more meaningful influences you seek.

Let your Mind be Your Map

Be sure to click around on our Roadmap for a look at our collective mind’s eye of top resources.


If that’s not enough of a Who’s gonna Be Who in the Paint Industry in 2016, we haven’t even touched on the category of blogging yet…stay tuned.

It’s one of the things we know best. 

11 thoughts on “Is Networking on your Roadmap?

  1. The PWPP group is a great place to share problems and solutions that are dealt with in the field. So many supportive people in the group.

    I am also very proud to be a part of DYB Community which is a place to take your business to another level with there courses, Mastermind groups and coaching. Steve & April have put together a strong, above the line community with industry leaders to assist one another.

    I do not personally know Tom Reber, but I listen to his podcast and I think he has great information and knowledge. He continues to bring amazing guests to his podcast interviews.

    1. Thank you Steve, your DYB program is a great “roadmap” for contractors, it has been amazing to see their successes happening under your leadership, look forward to meeting you in New Orleans!

  2. What I have found with social networking groups are most are one in the same. PWPP, Paint Contractors, Pro Paint Magazine and the dreaded Paint Talk forum. You really end up with the same bunch of folks that pound their chest and raise their snouts. Some give out advise like they are something special. Then their numbers show a whopping $65,000 annual sales. Worst is they brag about it like their business hit the Fortune 500 list.

    You might think that is a starting point for some, think again. After so called networking with many in these groups for years, most are experiencing the same sales if not worse. The fact is the only thing one can benefit from the these groups is what not to do or trading Likes for Likes on our pages. The Admin seem to be more impressed with the number of members in the group, rather than the validity and quality of the content being posted. After all we can be anything we want on a social platform.

    There really is only one group I have discovered that truly adds value to my business and personal life. Double Your Business by Steve Brunet is setting the bar for other social groups. DYB is by far the best! A growing group of individuals that want to truly help your business grow, not just grow but growing successfully. The Admin are some of the greatest people the industry offers. In this group you won’t get the puffed up egos entertaining you over your nightly cocktail. You will be gaining knowledge on how to truly grow your business.

    In the DYB group I can’t wait to see where everyone is at by 2017. Let’s Rock the 16!

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