Friday, July 26, 2024
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4 Strategies for Maximizing Word of Mouth Painting Referrals

In the service industry, existing customers are your bread and butter and you need to make sure they have an amazing experience. Yes, you might get additional business from them for add-on work, but that’s not how they are most valuable. According to a Nielsen survey, people are FOUR TIMES more likely to buy when referred by a friend.


Thanks to Brandon Lewis of The Academy for Professional Painting Contractors for sharing these tips in a Blogging Painters exclusive video!

How many of these tips can you implement this winter?

3 thoughts on “4 Strategies for Maximizing Word of Mouth Painting Referrals

  1. If your dead serious about marketing give Brandon a call. Your going to have to do work but success isn’t always easy. Otherwise all painters would be $$$$ in the money . We all know that’s not even close to being true. Great post.

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