Monday, February 17, 2025
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The Price

No single factor creates as much havoc for industry companies as how to set the price.  The first complication is how to arrive at the best possible price; afterward the issue becomes how to sell it against competition that always seems to have a lower quote. Despite what you may have heard, a price has […]

Toolbox Tricks: 4 Clever Ways Tape Can Save The Day

Time and money are valuable to busy painting contractors. A tool that can perform more than one function is treasured, especially if it’s lightweight and easy to carry. Surprisingly, many painters overlook the versatility of one of the simplest, most cost-effective tools—tape. Tape can help professional painters in a variety of ways, including keeping essential […]

Lessons on Expansion

The do’s and don’ts of adding new service lines to your painting operation By Diane Walsh, VP of Market & Channel Development for Shurtape Technologies, LLC, makers of FrogTape® brand Painter’s Tape When considering adding any new service line to your operation, arm yourself with as much information as possible to help guide your strategy. […]