Friday, May 17, 2024
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Systems for a Painting Company?

Is it really possible to create systems for a Painting Company? This is a common topic in Painter’s Discussion Boards. Could you run it along the lines of a “franchise prototype” as described by Michael E. Berger in the The E-Myth Revisited? Most of us are proud trades people that produce amazing paint jobs. How […]

Begin With the End in Mind

“Begin with the End in Mind” I think most business owners are familiar with this line, “Begin with the End in Mind” from Stephen Covey’s book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. When we are just starting out in business, many of us only have a vague idea about where the “end” point will […]

Slow Down and Close More

Selling is tough! Prospects are constantly beating us up. There’s always someone giving a cheaper estimate; often cheaper in every sense.  But, our employees need to feed their families. The schedule needs to be filled. The economy is slow.  We feel like our backs are between a rock and a hard place!  Often, we take […]

What’s Your Summit?

Every morning, you get up, go to work and lead your painting company through another day. You‘re satisfied if you get through the day without too many problems from your customers and employees. You’re even happier if there’s money left over for you.  Then, you get up and do it again.  So, where’s it all […]