Thursday, March 13, 2025
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Color Week Roundup

Who makes the color choices for painting projects?

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Creative Commons License Photo Credit: Alfonsina Blyde » via Compfight

The Question

That is a popular question on many paint forums, blogs and google searches. Here at Blogging Painters we wanted to explore the options and present readers with a variety of choices, so I asked it here. With all the different business models out there, it is nice to have choices and options, I hope you found one that works for you!

The Contributors who answered

I’d like to thank the experts that contributed to Color Week:

Heidi Nyline of Warline Painting explained how to use Benjamin Moore Color Stories, I finally understand what “Color Spectrum” means!

Barbara Jacobs Color and Design shared a new Color Visualizer.  A great service for those who need help picking the right colors and seeing the home “virtually” painted.

Donna Frasca and her Color Recipes, such as Comfort Colors, Comfort Foods are always a treat for the eyes, and a great resource to share with homeowners when they ask, “What are the popular colors”.

Thank you ladies for bringing us some color!

What’s next?

The response and feedback was great, and we  discovered a few new friends we hope to hear from in the future, in the meantime, you can check out their own blogs.

Lori Sawaya of Colorbuds– Great color theory advice!

Debbie Zimmer of the Paint Quality InstituteCheck out the color trends videos on Youtube.

Kate Smith of Sensational Color– Kate is someone I follow on Twitter (colorexpert) and she is always sharing great tips, I look forward to checking out her blog.

Regina Garay of Fauxology, more than color here, you must check out the incredible work she does and the works of others that she so freely shares.

Color Chats– I found this one when I was researching painting ceilings for an estimate I am working on

Decoroligist-Love her writing style!

Feel free to leave some feedback or suggest a color blog or expert below!

3 thoughts on “Color Week Roundup

    1. Matthew, it is tough when homeowners decide to do it themselves, it can be a challenge to show that we can provide a service that can save them time and provide a better end result. Glad you like the site and hope to hear more from you!

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