Monday, February 17, 2025
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Systems for a Painting Company?

Is it really possible to create systems for a Painting Company? This is a common topic in Painter’s Discussion Boards. Could you run it along the lines of a “franchise prototype” as described by Michael E. Berger in the The E-Myth Revisited? Most of us are proud trades people that produce amazing paint jobs. How […]

Behr DeckOver

Featuring advanced, 100 percent acrylic resin fused with ceramic microspheres, BEHR PREMIUM DECKOVER coating creates a durable, mildew-resistant finish that enables professionals—including residential painters, property managers and remodelers—to restore and maintain areas such as decks, railings, walkways, patios and more. Have you tried Behr’s newest product, DeckOver? Fill out the form below and tell us […]

Is the Customer Always Right?

“As a Painting Contractor, Is the Customer Always Right?”  The term the “customer is always right” was a slogan launched by the retail industry in the late 19th century. It’s intention was to make the customers “feel special.” I, like many others, have adopted this slogan into my business practices. But I must admit at times I […]

Behr Marquee Paint Reviews

Behr announces Marquee, a new line of paint for contractors: “The MARQUEE product is our most premier paint that delivers best-in-class performance and the ultimate in dirt resistance, ensuring exterior surfaces look freshly painted longer with reduced fade,” said Colin Jaffe, senior vice president of operations for professional products and services at Behr. “MARQUEE paint […]

The Danger with Referrals

Most contractors can agree that the best way to get new business is through referrals. In fact, I was recently at a contractor event where the speaker indicated that upwards of 70% of his company’s new business comes from referrals, and national statistics back up this statement. This is huge! There is nothing more invigorating […]

Erecta Rack

Do you use an Erecta Rack? Fill out the review form and tell us what you think! See more on Dean’s thoughts here! An interview with the owner. You can find out more on them here, and what they have to say in the UK about Erecta Rack!