Saturday, July 27, 2024
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Website Review-Mod Paint Works

Our website review for February was with Ryan Parker of Mod Paint Works in Denver. We had the hangout last Wednesday and today I see Ryan has already made changes based on the suggestions given! Tess Wittler was unable to join us and we were fortunate to have Heidi Nyline of Warline Painting fill in to help […]

Website Review-All About Paint

Website Review-All about Paint January’s website review featured All About Paint of Springfield, Mo. The owner, Don Goddard was able to join us, but as our luck would have it, he was having audio problems, be were able to continue on thanks to Tess for relaying his text chats! Don uses Go Daddy and the […]

Website Review-Paint Track

Website Review with Blogging Painters This month our website review highlighted  Paint Track, the website of Ray Rahni, who does some incredible work in Westchester County, NY. We were sorry Tess couldn’t make it due to illness, hope she is all better! Darren did his usual outstanding riffs and provided some great insight. We were […]

Website Review-Clinton Painting

Website Review! This week we did a website review for Clinton Painting. Robert Clinton was able to join us and we had a very productive session! Robert has already made some changes to the site and we look forward to hearing how it helps him. We discussed several topics and I think we all learned! Because […]