Friday, December 27, 2024
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WordPress-Using the Grand FIA Gallery

The Grand FIA Gallery is a versatile way to manage media in your WordPress site. Install the plugin following the directions here or searching in the plugin panel for Grand Flash as I showed here. Then follow the instructions in the video to make your first slideshow! Here is a page I did as a Demo, […]


WordPress Plugins are like little apps that you can install on your blog to customize it, add features, functionality and increase SEO. In this video we will locate and install a few plugins.   Here are the plugins that you should install and the links for more details. You can also download them from these […]

Content-Sharing or Stealing?

We have been talking a lot about content and SEO lately here at Blogging Painters. We are fortunate to have some great contributors here and they are generating a wealth of valuable content. Our goal is to create and share the information that helps build our businesses, educate our customers and build a network of […]

Social Media-Deeper, not Wider!

The surest way to make social networking pay is to build deeper relationships with fewer people. Likes and follows and witty tweets may create awareness for your brand and open doors for actual networking, but nothing can deliver the payoff of actually helping someone else get what they want or connecting with someone who can help you get what you want.

WordPress-The lay of the land

You picked a domain, chose your hosting and installed Wodrpress and now have a sterile looking page that says “Hello World”! Now what? Let’s take a look under the hood, some things we won’t discuss until later, but let’s get familiar with the dashboard. In the next few weeks we will go over each item […]