Tuesday, February 18, 2025
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Lead Hazards, Legal But Liable

While not a topic everyone wants to hear, it is an important subject if you have concerns with risk management.  Each month, 100,000 to 200,000 people are learning about the Renovation, Repair and Painting Rule.  This is primarily from Lead Safe Certified Firms giving estimates and explaining the dangers of lead based paint. Unfortunately, with […]

I Tweak, Do You Tweak?

No, not Twitter and no I am not talking about some weird trip from the 60s. I am talking about tweaking. Constantly editing and improving my website. Especially my writing. Yes, I admit it. I edit articles I’ve written after I post them. A friend of mine told me this was a blogging no no […]

The Ugly Side of SEO

Why won’t sharks attack SEOs? Professional courtesy! One of the biggest challenges we face as a Search Marketing firm is helping client understand that SEO is a legitimate, productive marketing endeavor, especially when that client has previously experienced poorly managed programs (which we hear about 90% of the time).  Every business understands that a strong […]

Response to Price and Value

Dana Autenrieth responds to some of the questions in the recent Open Mike post. It’s like asking, what’s the better car, a Toyota mini-van or a BMW 5 series sedan. The quick response might be the 5 series just because it’s three times the price, but unless you know the stated objective (e.g. hauling large […]

Price and Value with Dana Autenrieth of Benjamin Moore

I am pleased to launch the Blogging Painters Open Mike series with a portion of a recent interview I conducted with Dana Autenrieth of Benjamin Moore. Dana works in a leadership role in the Residential Contractor Segment of Benjamin Moore. Therefore, he has an interest in understanding the issues that are on the minds of paint contractors and clarifying misperceptions between contractors and the manufacturer side of the supply chain in our industry.

How do you track your leads?

A painter who has mad computer skills?! One of the great thinks about having a variety of online friends is learning what other skills they have. Fellow Painting Contractor Patrick Miller has long been a contributor to a popular forum I frequent. He recently share an app he created with the members and I asked […]

Speaking of Content…….

Do you struggle with creating content for your website and Social Media? Your customers, the ones that already know, like and trust you, are more equipped to tell the real story of your business than an army of writers in any marketing department, so why not engage them to do just that. Read more on […]

Primed for Success: Insl-X STIX

Often times there is need for a bonding primer on substrates that may be troublesome. Various different plastics used in construction now are where a primer like Insl-X STIX excels. More than a name it STIX to about everything is their tag line. Below is some information directly from the TDS on usage, and acceptable substrates […]