Friday, February 21, 2025
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A different way to paint!

“Yeah, We’re Painters But…What I really learned is how different local companies can cross brand their business. Sure we are painters, but we had something in common with paint ballers..Go figure. They had a blast doing this and I am sure will get braggers rights in the paint ball world and I got to find […]

Just for 30 days!

  “If it aint broke, don’t fix it” “But we always do it this way” “I use this paint all the time” “That won’t work” Sound familiar? For a bunch of entrepreneurs, painting contractors sure can be a stubborn bunch! It is hard for us to try something new and get out of our perceived “comfort zone”. […]

Dale Thomas-Family Professional Painting

Just one of those guys who grew up around the paint business. Am a second generation painter and took over my father’s business in 2005. Lucky to have a mentor with 50 plus years experience and a support system to boot. Like many contractors we have downsized. Currently one full timer and one part timer and a few guys to […]

“Kissass Marketing”

I love George’s posts! His business model with Ecopainting has always impressed me, as he has generously shared his ideas and expertise on various topics online. One of my favorites is his take on customer testimonials. It is a testament to his staff and the environment he creates when you read them. He has been doing organically what all […]

What Does Quality Mean to You?

            In 25 years as a contractor, I have yet to meet a contractor or a painter who didn’t claim to do quality work. But what does quality mean? Is, to paraphrase an old adage, one painter’s quality another painter’s junk? One definition of quality is: a distinguishing attribute. It could be argued that […]

Customer Surveys

How many times have you had a customer tell you how much they loved the transformation of their home after you were done? Did you just smile,  pat yourself on the back and move on? Do you have a system for collecting customer satisfaction surveys? Do you have a well thought out survey asking specific […]

Chalking Paint

This is a very important question, especially if you live in the hot arid areas. The first step is to understand how the chalking occurs so you can avoid it or prolong it as much as possible. Chalking is created when the binding agent in paint begins to deteriorate. In Venice Florida, the general causes […]