Friday, January 24, 2025
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Where are your employees?

If you are a one man show, you probably have no problems being on time for estimates and jobs, and are able to communicate with clients if you are running behind. But for those running multiple jobs with several employees, often driving company vehicles, it can be difficult to keep track of everyone. The worst […]

All Customers are Special

All of our customers are special Some customers may have needs that require some special attention. When they want painting and remodeling it’s our job to provide those services. At times it’s not clear they have special needs and in some cases they might not consider themselves to have any special needs. With all of […]

Setting the Right Expectations

We’ve all experienced it before: That feeling of being let down when things don’t go exactly as we’d planned. It’s the feeling that arises when nobody comes to your New Year’s Eve party, or when you lose a football game against the worst team in the district. Your clients may very well have gone through this disappointment […]

How are you communicating with Customers?

It used to be a customer found us in the phone book, called and scheduled an appointment and from there on out everything was done verbally, whether in person or on the phones. These days, the availability of handheld technology has created an “on demand” type of mentality. We are all seemingly available 24/7 (I am not so sure that is a good thing!). How do we handle communication these days?

Is the Customer Always Right?

“As a Painting Contractor, Is the Customer Always Right?”  The term the “customer is always right” was a slogan launched by the retail industry in the late 19th century. It’s intention was to make the customers “feel special.” I, like many others, have adopted this slogan into my business practices. But I must admit at times I […]

How do you track your leads?

A painter who has mad computer skills?! One of the great thinks about having a variety of online friends is learning what other skills they have. Fellow Painting Contractor Patrick Miller has long been a contributor to a popular forum I frequent. He recently share an app he created with the members and I asked […]

Lessons learned from a Customer Dispute

Nobody enjoys a dispute with a customer. However, no matter how diligent and conscientious you are, disputes will occasionally occur. While these situations can be stressful, they can also represent an opportunity to improve your business. I recently concluded a three-month dispute with a customer. I will spare you all of the gory details, but a brief summary of the […]