Saturday, January 25, 2025
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Doing More with Technology

I have always been into technology and gadgets since I was a young kid. I loved remote controlled cars and trucks, and I still do. It only made sense that I enjoyed doing my daily routines more efficient and effectively. This meant doing my work paperless. In construction there is so much paper that it is ridiculous. Tired […]

How are you communicating with Customers?

It used to be a customer found us in the phone book, called and scheduled an appointment and from there on out everything was done verbally, whether in person or on the phones. These days, the availability of handheld technology has created an “on demand” type of mentality. We are all seemingly available 24/7 (I am not so sure that is a good thing!). How do we handle communication these days?

Expand Your Social Presence by Sharing More Images

These days, businesses need to have a presence on social media if they wish to remain competitive over the long term. That’s because, according to recent research, 93 percent of marketers are leveraging communication tools to promote their businesses. Humans are very visual creatures. Our inclination toward the visual could explain why, for example, posts […]

Bonded and Insured, Part Two

This blog is a guest post from Sara Aisenberg of In September, Sara shared a post about how being bonded pertains to the painting industry. Breaking down “Bonded and Insured,” Part 2 Most service professionals are familiar with the phrase “bonded and insured,” but not everyone knows what the terms mean and how they […]