Saturday, February 22, 2025
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Windows Live Writer

Many bloggers know how wonderful the WordPress platform is. It really makes publishing your blog easy, and there are plug ins for almost every need available. There is however one gripe I have, and that is writing inside WordPress.   I just feel so confined, especially when writing on a smaller screen like on a […]

An interview with Ken Fenner, Part 1

Ken Fenner is the owner of PressurePros, Inc and its subsidiary company, Restore-A-Deck located in Havertown, PA. Ken started PressurePros, a commercial and residential pressure washing company, in 2003. Employing union painters, an interior residential repainting division was added in 2005. While no longer performing painting services, Ken is familiar with the industry’s issues. In […]

Mythic Paint-One painters opinion

You can apply Mythic primer to any surface and finish in any colour in a selection of finishes. This is a snapshot of a project I am doing in tandem with TDS, Mythic and Llama Developments Here we are redecorating woodwork that was previously painted with black oil-based gloss at least 5 years ago. It […]

Regina Garay of Fauxology

One of the greatest things to come out of the Shootout was getting to meet new bloggers. I had seen a few posts on the Fauxology Blog and enjoyed the beautiful pictures Regina posted on her Facebook Page. After seeing her entry, Embossed Allover Designs, it was clear why she was chosen as the winner […]

And the Winners are……..

It has been several weeks since my “blogging buddy”  Scott Burt of Topcoat Review announced the “Shootout”, a blogging contest for painters.  I followed the contest, entered it myself, and made a few discoveries while perusing the entries. There is a lot of talent out there! That planted the seed for The Blogging Painters. The […]

Making a Great Impression

I am so EXCITED to announce our second contest, Making a Great Impression, sponsored by the Faux Impressions line of Sherwin-Williams.  It’s a great line of versatile faux finishing products that can be used to create unique specialty finishes. The Grand Prize Winner will receive a $200 credit at any Sherwin-Williams store towards the Faux Impressions line of decorative […]

Lead Risk Management for Painting Contractors

Undoubtedly, the lead laws have increased the homeowner’s awareness of lead hazards.   With this increase of understanding, come lawsuits.  Risk management is about controlling risk.  A simple example would be to verify that the paint in the can is the same paint that the homeowner wanted. Risk management is not only about winning a case […]

About Us

The Blogging Painters are an eclectic group of business owners whom are passionate about the painting industry. Sounds kind of silly doesn’t it? Like a bunch of guys who like watching paint dry? But it is more than that! Let me tell you how it came about. While my husband manages the day to day […]

Maximum Painting

    We all have our “go to” sites, you know the ones, they are usually bookmarked or always open in a tab. The ones that we depend on to keep us up on the the latest trends, tools and topics. Mine are usually Social Media or Business related, but lately I have been checking […]

The Long and Bumpy Road

I know you guys and gals bust butt as much as possible. I hope that you take advantage of this 4th of July weekend and take a breather. Enjoy some time with family and friends, have a few drinks and burn some meat on the grill. Relax, the job will be there next week and […]