Tuesday, February 18, 2025
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Should I be on Pinterest?

There are a lot of social media platforms available, and while it is important for every business to have a social presence, it’s impossible to be everywhere. This means that you have to choose the social media channels that are most appropriate for your business, then put in the time to make them a destination […]

Where to Find Blog Content

I often get asked by contractors where they can find blog content ideas to share with their readers . The truth is, ideas for finding great blog content are more abundant than ever, but you must dedicate a little time each week looking for them. From there, you take an idea you’ve seen online and use it […]

You had me at hello…

The Art of Social Media I was lucky enough to get an advance copy of Guy Kawasaki’s book, “The Art of Social Media” recently. The first thing I read  was this: Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. Ralph Waldo Emerson That’s always […]

Top 5 Strategies for Succeeding on Houzz

Marketers pledge all the time about the importance of social media and how you should incorporate the use of it into your marketing campaign. There are a lot of markets where social channels are pretty easy to work with, but when it comes to the painting industry that’s not always true. It can be difficult […]

How to Market Your Painting Business on Snapchat

Are you using Snapchat to market your painting business yet? If the answer is no, you’re missing out big-time. Snapchat is taking hold of the mobile market. In 2013 one of the app’s co-founders Evan Spiegal reportedly turned down a $3 billion acquisition offer from Facebook. Surely, this highlights the confidence the young entrepreneur has […]

Expand Your Social Presence by Sharing More Images

These days, businesses need to have a presence on social media if they wish to remain competitive over the long term. That’s because, according to recent research, 93 percent of marketers are leveraging communication tools to promote their businesses. Humans are very visual creatures. Our inclination toward the visual could explain why, for example, posts […]

Creating a Contest on Facebook: Should You Make a Timeline Contest or an App Contest?

Third-party apps were the gold standard (and only applicable method) of holding Facebook contests. However, the new changes made two additional options: timeline contests and Facebook app contests. For many painting businesses it can be difficult to determine which one to utilize. Timeline Contest Timeline contests will suit small businesses better than it would suit […]